Espin Bikes

Ride Smart and Sustainably

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ESPIN was established in 2014 by Josh Lam and Yina Liu in San Francisco. The company’s major goal is to develop and produce affordable high-end commuter e-bikes. Most of their e-bikes come with a powerful 350-watt motor and a lithium-ion battery with a range of up to 40 miles depending on the model. All of the e-bikes also comes with LED headlights, balloon tires, and a cargo rear rack. ESPIN provides an essential role in the community of San Francisco since commuting is a major part of their daily lives.

To make purchasing more comfortable, ESPIN is currently partnered with Klarna financing to provide everyone with easy payment options at the checkout. Klarna provides monthly financing, where one can choose a flexible payment plan to pay for their purchases over time.

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