Fashionphile is a luxury shop offering pre-owned vintage and limited edition handbags. The company started in 1999 which was founded by Sarah Davis. Since then, the company became the most trusted and leading source of luxurious secondary bags amongst shoppers who know the value of vintages and rare handbags.
Fashionphile accepts credit cards as a payment option. They also have Reserve Luxury Layaway program in which they allow their customers to buy an item using payment installments over time. To reserve, the customer needs to check the “Put this item on Reserve?” option, enter a down payment, and checkout. A 60-day period is given to the customer to settle their balance. Once the item is fully paid, it will be delivered to the customers’ mailing address.
Since its launch in 1999 with the main office location in California, Fashionphile has grown from a simple passion to one of the leading online reseller of secondary luxury handbags in the United States. To date, this brand evolved by presenting its products to a larger market and it is now considered as the most trusted source in the secondary market for luxury handbags. Collectors and fashion enthusiasts can choose a wide selection of luxury designers vintage, rare, and limited edition handbags from this shop at an exceptional value.
Fashionphile Reserve Luxury Layaway lets shoppers grab designer items they love through payment installments in case they don’t yet have all the funds available. However, the item you purchased will only be sent to your after completing the payment in 60 days. Fashionphile also accepts credit card-issued gift cards as well as Fashionphile-issued gift cards for items purchased.