
Cultivate Calm

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We’re Just Like You

We want to do more—help more, live more, be more active. But the idea that we have to be perfect at everything we do sometimes holds us back. So we at Gaiam try to embrace every part of our perfectly imperfect selves—especially when it comes to yoga. That’s why we make yoga, fitness and wellness products for you, just as you are—from the beginner in you to the expert in you. The real you.

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Our Name

Gaiam (pronounced “GUY-um”), is a fusion of “Gaia”—the name of the Ancient Greek Mother Earth goddess—and “I am.” It means, roughly, “I am the Earth” and is meant to encapsulate a sense of the beautiful interconnectivity of all things. At Gaiam, we believe that by nurturing, protecting and respecting the Earth and everyone and everything that exists here, we enrich our own lives and those of future generations.

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